Takako Kunigoshi:
.....Hemos trabajado en contra de ataques con lanza. De todos modos, en el dojo había casi cualquier tipo de arma. Practicábamos en contra de un ataque de corte hecho con el bokken y no sólo se esperaba que fuéramos capaces de evitar los ataques de personas armadas; también se esperaba que fuéramos capaces de tomar el papel del atacante y manejar las armas. Cuando se corta, el arma debe generar un sonido silbante, pero a la primera no es tan fácil obtener un sonido perfecto. Sale más un sonido sibilante bajo (risas). Después de un año o algo así, sin embargo, fui capaz de conseguir un buen ataque.
"El Hombu se ha convertido en un lugar muy fino con muchos Deshi. Por mi parte paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo con la ceremonia del té, y cuando estoy sosteniendo el recipiente de agua siento lo mismo que quien sostiene una espada. Tengo la misma sensación y recuerdo las cosas que aprendí de O-Sensei. Sea que practiques la ceremonia del té o el arreglo floral, hay puntos en común con el Aikido, ya que el mundo entero (Tenchi) está formado por el movimiento y la calma, la luz y la sombra. Si cada cosa se moviera y cambiara entonces todo sería un caos completo, ¿verdad?".
Estas ideas provenían de China?
Sí, de China, pero creo que los principios de cielo y tierra y el yin y el yan (o los principios positivo y negativo) no se limitan sólo a China. Las palabras son diferentes, por supuesto, pero esto es simplemente una cuestión de diferencias en la expresión. Todas las naciones del mundo tienen la misma verdad, creo. Cuando el sol está brillando debe haber sombras también. Creo que podemos decir que lo mismo se aplica al budo.
We have worked against attacks launched. Anyway, in the dojo had almost
any weapon. We practiced against an attack cut made with bokken and not
only were expected to be able to avoid attacks by armed persons; was
also expected that we were able to take the role of attacker and handle
weapons. When cut, the weapon must generate a whistling sound, but the
first is not so easy to get that perfect sound. Plus a hissing sound
goes low (laughs). After a year or so, however, I was able to get a good
"The Hombu has become a very fine place with many Deshi. For my part I spend most of my time with the tea ceremony, and when I'm holding the water tank who feel the same as holding a sword. I have the same feel and remember the things I learned from O-Sensei. Whether you practice the tea ceremony and flower arrangement, there are points in common with the Aikido, because the whole world (Tenchi) is formed by the movement and stillness, light and shadow. If everything moved and changed then everything would be complete chaos, right ?."
These ideas came from China?
Yes, in China, but I think that the principles of heaven and earth and the yin and yang (or the positive and negative principles) are not confined to China. The words are different, of course, but this is simply a matter of differences in expression. All nations of the world have the same truth, I think. When the sun is shining must have shadows too. I think we can say that the same applies to budo.
"The Hombu has become a very fine place with many Deshi. For my part I spend most of my time with the tea ceremony, and when I'm holding the water tank who feel the same as holding a sword. I have the same feel and remember the things I learned from O-Sensei. Whether you practice the tea ceremony and flower arrangement, there are points in common with the Aikido, because the whole world (Tenchi) is formed by the movement and stillness, light and shadow. If everything moved and changed then everything would be complete chaos, right ?."
These ideas came from China?
Yes, in China, but I think that the principles of heaven and earth and the yin and yang (or the positive and negative principles) are not confined to China. The words are different, of course, but this is simply a matter of differences in expression. All nations of the world have the same truth, I think. When the sun is shining must have shadows too. I think we can say that the same applies to budo.
Budo Archive Tomiki Koryu Kata informal with Sakai Sensei
Kayla Feder (6th dan) at Aikikai Aikido Amsterdam 2013